Page name: Bad Spellers Unite!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-21 20:06:39
Last author: Cloudwatcher
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 17
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   This is a page deticated to those bad spellers who know it and are proud! we will someday rule the world, and our extream mad skillz at spelling we allow us to comunicate through letters, with great...great...(difficulty) ^_^ I am a badspeller and all who have talked to me, know so! I cant type very well also, that dosent help! people who can spell are rediculas..AH! I dont know how to spell!!! oh, thats the point...good show all!


1. To join just put your name (the link)
2. Show your bad spellers pride!(how ever you feel is likewize)
3.Please advertise this wiki with a banner, and a statement in your discription!! (with a link of course)


Wiki members : Bad Spellers Unite Members

OVER 100 MEMBERS!!!!! <'cheers'>

Clever Spellers Army for those who dont fit in here

YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club for those confuzzeld bad spelelrs^^ whatever that means....

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[Cloudwatcher]: you dnt seem as happy and entertainnin as ok?

[froglegs]: i am not afraid of dying... anytime will do, theres no reason to be afraid of dying... you have to go sometime.... i never said i was afraid of dying

[Cloudwatcher]: i never acused you of being afraid to die..

[froglegs]: there is no darkside of the moon... as a matter of fact its all dark, the only thing that makes it light is the sun

[Cloudwatcher]: well if you think about it, the earth is like that to...

[Cloudwatcher]: god we are the only ones all..

[Kt_says]: i nominate [Kurus_Dreaon] to join. he's incredibly bad at spelling, please ask him to join. now.

[Kurus_Dreaon]: *walks in and bows* i am may bow in return

[froglegs]: up in smoke, thats where my money goes, in my lungs, and sometimes up my nose, when troubled times begin to bother me, i take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke

[Cloudwatcher]: *bows, then falls over* ouch my skull, they sure dont make them like they used to...

[Kurus_Dreaon]: dont hurt your slef....i dont want injured subjects :) *helps up*

[Cloudwatcher]: thakns for your help but i think i need a little more help..getting more poeple in my wiki!! make this wiki grow!!!!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i thinnk i know a bloke who would join...want me to ask him

[Cloudwatcher]: yes! please!!! adn to anyone else here! make it known! lol

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i will then...ill broudcast this wiki to all pplz if ya really wanted it...which i thin you migfgt

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i wouldnt mind!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: cool..then i shall spred the word about this wiki for ya *smiles*

[Cloudwatcher]: yay

[Cloudwatcher]: yay!! *grins then hands you a cookie*

[Kurus_Dreaon]: *gasps* a cookie* takes coookie* thank you *eats cookie*

[Cloudwatcher]: *hands out more cookies to everyone* now who is a good host? lol no not really. they are posin!!! Bwahahahaha!!! *cough* just kidding...*evil grn*

[froglegs]: ahhh fawa kawa pusseh pusseh

[Kurus_Dreaon]: *stops eating cookie* they arent poison are they?

[Cloudwatcher]: no no perfectly safe..well the one i gave you anywho

[Kurus_Dreaon]: oh ok then *finishes eating cookie* so hows everyone

[Cloudwatcher]: lol.. peachy..though i can not speak for everyone here

[Cloudwatcher]: ahhh fawa kawa pusseh pusseh..thats so

[Kurus_Dreaon]: say that last bit again....i can barely read things as it is

[Cloudwatcher]: ?? huh ?? whast you talkin bout?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: that last message before i put mine..what did ya mean to say

[Cloudwatcher]: oh! lol i was just sayn to slater that his words were cool. ahhh fawa kawa pusseh pusseh is that what you mean?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: yah that thing...i understand bad

[Cloudwatcher]: lol. its ok. now...what....^_^

[froglegs]: umm....moo

[Cloudwatcher]: quack!....Aflack!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: NO DUCKS!!! i got turned into one once....dont like ducks unless the y is on the dinner table

[Creed]: I suck at spelling! Can I join?

[Cloudwatcher]: yes you can join. anyone can dont have to<QUACk>lol  

[Kurus_Dreaon]: NO DUCKS!!!!!BAD DUCKS!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: friend has a duck..and it say <QUACK>

[Kurus_Dreaon]: GAHH*starts twitching*

[Cloudwatcher]: what about a goose? it goes <Honk!> and a duck...goes <QUACK>!!!!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i dont mind geese...but no took forever for me to get back to plain ugly me...never thought id be happy to be me but id rather be me then a duck

[Cloudwatcher]: ok...maybe i am carzy..but exactly HOW did you turn into a duck????

[Kurus_Dreaon]: Im still unsure...i remember something about aliens....and little stick ppl fighting.....then i was a duck...hmmm...i can find out though....i think

[Cloudwatcher]: maybe you need to go into one of those big circular rooms with padding..does that sound ok to you?

[froglegs]: the fast and easy guide to turning into a duck... step 1. buy a pizza step 2. eat your arm... step 3. profit step 4. . .. .. .... .... ....

[Cloudwatcher]: why dont you just jump into a josankio cused spring of drowded duck..very tragic story 250 thousend year ago when a small duck drowned in puddle now whoever fall in spring take form of duck

[Cloudwatcher]: ^o^

[froglegs]: a simple bradley your wrong would of done fine... no proving me wrong and embarising me in front of all these people

[Cloudwatcher]: i never said your wrong O.o i just said there was another way..basicly. without haveing to eat your arm..and my way..i have to say is unoriginal. and yours become human again you dump hot water on you after you have become human again..cold water will turn you back into a duck..but only after you jump into the cursed spring.....and besides..there are only 3 people that come here really and comment! who is there to be emmbaresed infront of. i am sorry you were offended. i didnt mean to. my sinserist apollogies

[Kurus_Dreaon]: hmm...your the 51st person to suggest a padded room...maybe i should look into shure those guys in white coats that were after me could get meone....

[Cloudwatcher]: might be wize to look into it

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ill do that...though i dont thing that they would let me go afterwards...i may be insane but i aint stupid

[Cloudwatcher]: lol insane is goood

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i hope so...cuz i dont wanna be evil..a lil bad is ok but not im insane...yupy

[froglegs]: what would luke warm water do?

[Cloudwatcher]: what would luke warm water do what?? to turn you into a duck? you have to be a duck, and you get hot water dumped on you, you become human

[Cloudwatcher]: what would luke warm water do what?? to turn you into a duck? you have to be a duck, and you get hot water dumped on you, you become human! do you inderstand?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: not one bit

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i wasnt talking to you but its good to know that my explainations arnt very good so it dosent matter to much at all i suppose

[Kurus_Dreaon]: well ya have to look at who you are talin very slow at now

[Cloudwatcher]: i suppose...

[Kurus_Dreaon]: how ya doin tonight

[Cloudwatcher]: lol...fine i suppose..bored.. <i just put a new drawing up!!! (hint, hint) for anyone who wants to go see it and tell me what that person would be much aperciated!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ill check it out real quick

[Cloudwatcher]: yay!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: my likes it,..very nice

[Cloudwatcher]: any construtive critisism!?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: hmm...first im not really the person to be askin about it...but i find it to be very might be better colored in...cuz i lose where her hair ends and her shoulder begins...but then again i cant see perfectly...but i like it...very good

[Cloudwatcher]: lol ok now that were getting somewhere! lol

[Kurus_Dreaon]: *smiles* i do have to say that it is one of the better pics ive seen drawn...i like my art..and it is like to ee it in color though....

[champagnebommer 77]: I don't even know why I joined this wiki. I can spell hard words like, confiscated. But I mess up on Massichist, which is actually spelled: masochist, as I learned just today.

[Cloudwatcher]: i think my art is nothing compared to other peoples work...i get relly jelouse sometimes when i see someone's pic thats better then i can do...<sigh> oh well....   to tackhead..if you want to quit you can...?? but you dont have to...i dont have to spell EXTREAMLY bad..all the time..just you get what i am saying? simplie words dont matter but slightly longer words get complicated and you have to really think on how to spell it...i dunno i quess thats my discription

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i can slpell sometimes but not ll the now im tired as hell so i have no idea if im spelling right or not

[Cloudwatcher]: yep just like that, sorta lol

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i did spell kinda bad there lol..meh

[Cloudwatcher]: yea...we need a new conversation... PEOPLE I NEED YOU TO COMMENT ABOUT ANYTHING!!!! ti's to boring other offence to anyone commenting right now though!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i comment..when i can lol..i o try..maybe to hard/...meh

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: What is there to talk about?

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, well there is lots to talk about, there is small talk, like the weather, and how we should all recute your friends!!!!!! i already did ^_^ and some can spell..stupid them wht do thy need ta speel for?

[Cloudwatcher]: i see..well then , how is the weather where you are?

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: Sunny but windy and the weather where you are is?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: its texas weatheer lol...what can ya expect

[Cloudwatcher]: well in michagan, its very humid it needs to rain, but its not..., partly cloudy, i wish it would thunderstorm really hard!!!

[schizoid]: thunderstorms are cool...but lightning storms...those are fun to watch

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i love storms...nothing better then a great storm

[schizoid]:'s fun watching wall clouds and the sky turn green

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i luv it...wanna be a storm chaser...get to follow tornados and what not

[schizoid]: sounds fun to me!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: my friends parents said theyd take us storm chasin somtime...hope its like to chase a big storm

[schizoid]: cool! my dad goes outside when the sirens are oing off...and I like to follow's just so cool! it smells good too

[Cloudwatcher]: i would love doing that, i love watching the storm shows with tornados! my mom would freak but i would still do it! i wanna see one....<sigh>

[schizoid]: a tornado? yeah...that would be awesome.

[Cloudwatcher]: it would be kinda scary..but i would love it

[schizoid]: ditto

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ive seen one before....maybe twice...the forst time i was real liitle so i was freaken out...but the second time...oh it was was like an ecstasy to stand there watching it....the power behind it was breath taking

[Cloudwatcher]: yeah, i would love to be someone like that..might be someday...

[schizoid]: wow...

[Kurus_Dreaon]: that woulld be an awsome would be the best t hing ever

[schizoid]: it would be!

[Cloudwatcher]: yea...<Dreams> well maybe somday we can have our own, "chasing tonadoes with whats her/his face"!!!

[schizoid]: lol...that would be funny and cool

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...yah...if i do get to go storm chasen ill get lots of pics of i can and ill put em up herre for ya

[schizoid]: sweet! almost anything that has to do with nature is ok by me

[Cloudwatcher]: it would be fun to make funny faces on a show like that.." omg! its coming right at us!!....what the hell are you doing!! this is a paniking situation!!"

[schizoid]: lol...that would be hilarious!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: sounds like somthing id do lol

[Cloudwatcher]: i would do it! it would be great! and then it would change directions, and the other person would say.."edit that part out ok?"

[schizoid]: I'd just stare at the thing and be all like....""

[Kurus_Dreaon]: be the one saying "come on..just a little closer...m,aybe into it for a bit"

[schizoid]: lol...that sounds fun too!

[Cloudwatcher]: i would run out of where ever i was, and try and catch up..then it would turn at me and i would run away but keep looking back, and i would trip, and it would....<to be continued>

[schizoid]: lol...that sounds like something else I would do

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...yes...go us storm nuts lol

[schizoid]: yeah! you think there's a storm lover's wiki?

[Cloudwatcher]: then! just as it looked like i was a goner!! it started dieing..the tornado started shrinking! i was saved! and i little disapointed, to see the inside would have been awsome, i would have been dead, but it would have been cool while it lasted, then in the distance, 3 more tornadoes where forming.."god damn it! where's my camera!"

[schizoid]: that's a good question

[Kurus_Dreaon]: yah there of my friends started it after learning of my lov for storms...just a sec ill get the link

[schizoid]: uh...ok

[Cloudwatcher]: sweet...i found it!!! wait....wheres the film!! !@#$@!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: hey i am checkin out now, its almost 3 in the morning! chow! ttfn

[schizoid]: see ya

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ttyl....ok the link it storm lovers i belive

[schizoid]: ok thanx..ttyl

[Kurus_Dreaon]: night

[schizoid]: yup....night

[Cloudwatcher]: ho every one!! hows life! i am going to go to the site and get back to yall!

[Cloudwatcher]: well i went, i entered. i concored. i seazied controll

[Kurus_Dreaon]: good for you

[bubblegirl]: yish, I think

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol

[Cloudwatcher]: yesh! ti's very good for me! i am not so sure...thinking kills people!!!!!!! and it hurts if your not used to it!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: know what ya mean...can hurt a lot

[Cloudwatcher]: hey! lotza new pictures up in my house if anyone cares to look and constructive critasism is welcomed

[Kurus_Dreaon]: my will

[Cloudwatcher]: sweet

[froglegs]: asdfghjkl; remember the home row

[Cloudwatcher]: i remember it but that dosent mean i use

[Kurus_Dreaon]: Home row?

[Cloudwatcher]: in typing silly

[froglegs]: q=, bncsq`=89iky remember the foster home row

[Cloudwatcher]: thats a very commplicated home row...

[froglegs]: fin

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ???...right

[Cloudwatcher]: ok new subject!...... what music does every one like?! i love alternative rock and a lot of forgin music.. now your turn

[Kurus_Dreaon]: i listen to everything but rap and classical

[Cloudwatcher]: i hate rap..ugh

[Kurus_Dreaon]: it isnt good no....not a bit in my mind

[Cloudwatcher]: nope..same here

[Kurus_Dreaon]: cool...what are some of your favorite bands?

[Cloudwatcher]: i like a zillion..umm greenwheel, a perfect circle, dashbored confessional..a whole lot...

[Kurus_Dreaon]: cool....i have loads of favorites to lol....its all cool

[Cloudwatcher]: yea

[froglegs]: fin

[Kurus_Dreaon]: YES!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: i dont understand anymore!

[Cloudwatcher]: wow this commenting stuff is getting old i bet? huh?

[froglegs]: correct omundo...santamonica

[Cloudwatcher]: CONAN EDIGAWA!!!! sorry...i just think its the coolest

[Kurus_Dreaon]: kk then ....i still here so i will coment till no one is here....but thats me

[champagnebommer 77]: Ya know, I still can't figure out why I'm here....Join the confused club!

[Kurus_Dreaon]: im already part of it :D

[froglegs]: set the controls for the heart of the sun

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ????

[Cloudwatcher]: i feel..crazy!!!! lol i am eating popcorn and doing nothing how exsiting huh?

[pixyman]: [pixyman] hlep I cna't spel !

[HiddenFire]: Antidisestablishmentarialism. ^_^

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: Endoplasmic goo

[~Galadriel~]: umm [HiddenFire], you have an L where theres suposed to be an n. The word is antidisestablishmentarianism. It probably don't mean anything to you, but it's on of my favorite words.... ^_^

[~Galadriel~]: Also I like the word Supercalafragalisticexpialadocious.... Yeah I'm a very good speller, so if anyone needs help with a word, then you can ask me.

[HiddenFire]: well, this is for bad spellers is it not? :P

[CelticMoon]: CAN I JOIN

[bubblegirl]: probably

[CelticMoon]: :D

[froglegs]: where does the earth touch the stars?

[CelticMoon]: ':/  i dint know it did

[Cloudwatcher]: yea anyone can join. well i am impressed people can spell big long words..VERY big long words...gosh i cant...even semi big i know deffinitions and such in speach but when i have to write them down..forget

[Cloudwatcher]: I am thinking of making a section for people who can spell that wize???

[HiddenFire]: no because they can fake it... with spell check. o.0

[HiddenFire]: but then again you can fake bad spelling as well. 0.o

[Kurus_Dreaon]: true that

[Cloudwatcher]: so what do you all suggest? o_O

[Kurus_Dreaon]: about having a place for good spellerz? why not

[CelticMoon]: BUT this wiki is called Bad spellers ..... so it kind of dont make sence to have a place for good spellers on a bad spellers wiki page

[CelticMoon]: am i making sence

[Cloudwatcher]: what if i madde a compleatly differnt wiki though? with just the link to it here?

[CelticMoon]: yep that ones good

[Cloudwatcher]: so that dosent sound bad? good good? ...the only thing is i wont be able to join it! lol

[CelticMoon]: lol well you could put somet like ..... i cant spell but dont argue its my wiki that i made for all you lot that can

[Cloudwatcher]: i did put somthing like that..i am goin to post the link now...


[Cloudwatcher]: spelling comes easy! is that a dumb name? should i change it?

[CelticMoon]: errrm how about somet like this one but it could be ...... Brill Spellers Unite , or somet like that

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...i like it...but thats me...

[Cloudwatcher]: i am going to change it but i need ideas..i though good spellers unite!! sounded stupid..

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